Gefunden 281 Ergebnisse für: Joy
And Sara cried out, God has made me laugh for joy; whoever hears of this will laugh (Isaac) with me. (Genesis 21, 6)
so he accosted her, and asked for her favours. What wilt thou give me, she asked, as the price of enjoying them? (Genesis 38, 16)
Tell my father of all these honours I enjoy, and of all you saw in Egypt, and bring him back to me here with all speed. (Genesis 45, 13)
Our lives are in thy hand, they said; as long as we enjoy my lord’s favour, we will gladly be the king’s servants. (Genesis 47, 25)
And now the Lord was angry with Moses; What of thy brother Aaron (the Levite)? he asked.✻ I know him to be a man of ready speech. He is even now on his way to meet thee, and will give thee a joyful welcome when he finds thee. (Exodus 4, 14)
Honour thy father and thy mother; so thou shalt live long to enjoy the land which the Lord thy God means to give thee. (Exodus 20, 12)
Whoever compounds the like, to make perfume for his own enjoyment, is lost to his people. (Exodus 30, 38)
Such are the privileges✻ Aaron and his sons enjoy in the worship offered to the Lord, ever since the day when Moses presented them to him to be his priests; (Leviticus 7, 35)
and waited for the sun to go down, may he enjoy his privilege of sharing in it. (Leviticus 22, 7)
you will still be enjoying the old harvest, when you sow in the eighth year, still be enjoying the old harvest, when the ninth year comes and you can reap the new. (Leviticus 25, 22)
and if they are not redeemed they return to their masters in the jubilee year; that is because the Levites have been granted their cities in lieu of lands such as their brethren enjoy. (Leviticus 25, 33)
Then, in those days of desolation, your land will enjoy a sabbath indeed; while you are far away, (Leviticus 26, 34)