Gefunden 49 Ergebnisse für: Inheritance

  • To thee, and to that race, I will give the land in which thou dwellest now as a stranger, the whole land of Chanaan; their inheritance for ever, and I their God. (Genesis 17, 8)

  • Rid thyself of this slave-woman and her son; it cannot be that the son of a slave should divide the inheritance with my own son, Isaac. (Genesis 21, 10)

  • passing them on to your children by right of inheritance, as belonging to you in perpetuity; but you must not lord it over your brother-Israelites. (Leviticus 25, 46)

  • bidding him send out men of mark, one from each tribe, to survey Israel’s promised inheritance, the land of Chanaan. (Numbers 13, 3)

  • My servant Caleb was of another mind; he took my part, and I will allow him to enter the land which he surveyed, and leave his race an inheritance there. (Numbers 14, 24)

  • A large portion where they are many, a small portion where they are few; their inheritance is to be assigned to them according to this present register; (Numbers 26, 54)

  • but we will not go back to these homes of ours till the other Israelites have won their inheritance; (Numbers 32, 18)

  • Ours is an inheritance of guilt, from fathers who have disobeyed the Lord our God, and forsaken him; turned their backs on his dwelling-place, where their eyes should ever be. (2 Chronicles 29, 6)

  • Never a daughter of yours for their sons, never a daughter of theirs for yours; never peace or good will between them and you, while time lasts! So you shall rise to greatness, so you shall enjoy all the blessings this land of yours can give, and bequeath them evermore to your sons for their inheritance. (Ezra 9, 12)

  • No, it is the Lord I claim for my prize, the Lord who fills my cup; thou, and no other, wilt assure my inheritance to me. (Psalms 15, 5)

  • an inheritance for the race that serves him, a home for all true lovers of his name. (Psalms 68, 37)

  • What though flesh of mine, heart of mine, should waste away? Still God will be my heart’s stronghold, eternally my inheritance. (Psalms 72, 26)

“A divina bondade não só não rejeita as almas arrependidas, como também vai em busca das almas teimosas”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina