Gefunden 3 Ergebnisse für: Divinity

  • He also desecrated the hill-shrines Solomon had made at Jerusalem itself, on the right hand side of the Hill of Shame, for Astaroth, the foul divinity of Sidon, and Chamos, that was Moab’s, and Melchom, that was Ammon’s; (2 Kings 23, 13)

  • Perhaps the beauty of such things bewitched them into mistaking it for divinity? Ay, but what of him who is Master of them all; what excellence must be his, the Author of all beauty, that could make them! (Wisdom of Solomon 13, 3)

  • But yonder idol is accursed, no less than the man who made it; he for his wicked design, and the lifeless thing for the legend of divinity that was attached to it. (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 8)

“No juízo final daremos contas a Deus até de uma palavra inútil que tenhamos dito.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina