Encontrados 289 resultados para: Prayer

  • thou, in heaven, on thy peaceful throne, wilt once more listen to their prayer for aid, wilt maintain their cause still. And thou wilt relent towards thy people, though they have sinned against thee.✻ (2 Chronicles 6, 39)

  • My God! Ever be thy eyes open, ever thy ears attentive to the prayer that is offered here. (2 Chronicles 6, 40)

  • Lord God, do not reject my prayer, the king thou hast anointed; bethink thee of the loving designs thou hadst for thy servant David before him.✻ (2 Chronicles 6, 42)

  • the Lord spoke to him in a vision seen by night. I have listened to thy prayer, he said; this place, none other, shall be the home of my sacrifices. (2 Chronicles 7, 12)

  • Open my eyes shall be, my ears attentive to every man’s prayer that here prays to me; (2 Chronicles 7, 15)

  • Most fervently, in his great dismay, Josaphat betook himself to prayer, proclaiming a fast for the whole of Juda; (2 Chronicles 20, 3)

  • In answer to this prayer, the Lord gave his people quittance. (2 Chronicles 30, 20)

  • Then priests and Levites stood up to bless the people, nor did their voices go unheard; heaven’s holy dwelling-place echoed to their prayer. (2 Chronicles 30, 27)

  • Against such blasphemers, king Ezechias and the prophet Isaias, son of Amos, fell to prayer, crying out to heaven for aid; (2 Chronicles 32, 20)

  • And now Ezechias fell sick, and was at death’s door; but he prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered his prayer, giving him a sign of his recovery. (2 Chronicles 32, 24)

  • and sought his favour with earnest prayer. That prayer the Lord answered, and restored him to his throne at Jerusalem. Such good proof had Manasses that the Lord only was God. (2 Chronicles 33, 13)

  • What else Manasses did, the prayer he offered to his God, and the warnings that were given to him by prophets in the name of the Lord God of Israel, may be found set down in the Record of the Israelite kings.✻ (2 Chronicles 33, 18)

“Nunca vá se deitar sem antes examinar a sua consciência sobre o dia que passou. Enderece todos os seus pensamentos a Deus, consagre-lhe todo o seu ser e também todos os seus irmãos. Ofereça à glória de Deus o repouso que você vai iniciar e não esqueça do seu Anjo da Guarda que está sempre com você.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina