Encontrados 289 resultados para: Prayer

  • And that night, God granted his prayer; dew lay all over the ground about it, and the fleece alone was dry. (Judges 6, 40)

  • And the Lord granted his prayer; once more the angel of God appeared to his wife, as she sat resting in a field. Her husband was not with her, and she, upon sight of the angel, (Judges 13, 9)

  • Such was the prayer she went on repeating, there in the Lord’s presence; and Heli saw her lips moving as she did so; (1 Samuel 1, 12)

  • Go then, answered Heli, and peace go with thee; may the Lord grant the prayer thou hast made. (1 Samuel 1, 17)

  • And my prayer was for a son, the boy whom thou seest. I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord granted my request; (1 Samuel 1, 27)

  • and now, in my turn, I make a grant of him to the Lord, a grant that shall be long as his life. Then they offered the Lord worship, and Anna made this prayer which follows. (1 Samuel 1, 28)

  • So Samuel chose out a lamb still unweaned, and offered it whole to the Lord in burnt-sacrifice, crying out to the Lord for Israel, and obtaining an answer to his prayer. (1 Samuel 7, 9)

  • It was little to Samuel’s mind, this demand for a king to be their judge; but when he betook himself to the Lord in prayer, (1 Samuel 8, 6)

  • Lord God of Israel, was David’s prayer, news has reached me that Saul is on his way to Ceila, to destroy the city that shelters me; (1 Samuel 23, 10)

  • So David accepted all the gifts she brought him; Go home in peace, he said to her; thy prayer is granted, thy suit has prospered. (1 Samuel 25, 35)

  • And David went into the Lord’s presence, and betook himself to prayer; Lord God, he said, that one such as I am, sprung from such a house as mine, should have been brought by thee to such power! (2 Samuel 7, 18)

  • Why then, the king told him, all that was Miphiboseth’s is thine. And Siba answered, My prayer is that I may ever enjoy thy favour, my lord king. (2 Samuel 16, 4)

“Para mim, Deus está sempre fixo na minha mente e estampado no meu coração.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina