Encontrados 289 resultados para: Prayer
And that night, God granted his prayer; dew lay all over the ground about it, and the fleece alone was dry. (Judges 6, 40)
And the Lord granted his prayer; once more the angel of God appeared to his wife, as she sat resting in a field. Her husband was not with her, and she, upon sight of the angel, (Judges 13, 9)
Such was the prayer she went on repeating, there in the Lord’s presence; and Heli saw her lips moving as she did so; (1 Samuel 1, 12)
Go then, answered Heli, and peace go with thee; may the Lord grant the prayer thou hast made. (1 Samuel 1, 17)
And my prayer was for a son, the boy whom thou seest. I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord granted my request; (1 Samuel 1, 27)
and now, in my turn, I make a grant of him to the Lord, a grant that shall be long as his life. Then they offered the Lord worship, and Anna made this prayer which follows. (1 Samuel 1, 28)
So Samuel chose out a lamb still unweaned, and offered it whole to the Lord in burnt-sacrifice, crying out to the Lord for Israel, and obtaining an answer to his prayer. (1 Samuel 7, 9)
It was little to Samuel’s mind, this demand for a king to be their judge; but when he betook himself to the Lord in prayer, (1 Samuel 8, 6)
Lord God of Israel, was David’s prayer, news has reached me that Saul is on his way to Ceila, to destroy the city that shelters me; (1 Samuel 23, 10)
So David accepted all the gifts she brought him; Go home in peace, he said to her; thy prayer is granted, thy suit has prospered. (1 Samuel 25, 35)
And David went into the Lord’s presence, and betook himself to prayer; Lord God, he said, that one such as I am, sprung from such a house as mine, should have been brought by thee to such power! (2 Samuel 7, 18)
Why then, the king told him, all that was Miphiboseth’s is thine. And Siba answered, My prayer is that I may ever enjoy thy favour, my lord king. (2 Samuel 16, 4)