Fondare 209 Risultati per: Truth
And now Juda said to Thamar, his daughter-in-law, Go back to thy father’s house, and there support thy widowed state until my son Sela has grown up. The truth was, he was afraid the same doom might overtake Sela. Thamar, then, went back to live at her father’s house. (Genesis 38, 11)
the other he hung on a gallows, to prove the truth of the prophecy that had been made. (Genesis 40, 22)
Meanwhile, choose out here and there among the people able men, God-fearing, lovers of truth and haters of gain ill won; put each of these in charge of a tribe, or of a hundred families, or fifty families, or ten.✻ (Exodus 18, 21)
And within the burse that gives counsel thou wilt put the touchstones of wisdom and of truth.✻ These shall be on Aaron’s breast, when he enters the Lord’s presence; as long as he is there, he will be carrying on his breast the arbitrament of the sons of Israel. (Exodus 28, 30)
binding it close with its band, and attaching to it the burse in which were the touchstones of wisdom and of truth. (Leviticus 8, 8)
But do not flatter thyself, when the Lord thy God destroys them thus at thy onslaught, do not flatter thyself it was for any merit of thine he gave thee possession of this land thou hast invaded, when in truth it was the wickedness of those other nations that brought them to ruin. (Deuteronomy 9, 4)
Careful and anxious be thy search, to find out the truth of the matter; and if it proves that the report was true, and the foul deed has been done, (Deuteronomy 13, 14)
And of Levi he said, The touchstones of Wisdom and Truth are for the man thou hast set apart, testing him at the place of Challenge, proving his worth at the Water of Rebellion.✻ (Deuteronomy 33, 8)
and thereupon Josue summoned the Gabaonites into his presence. What means this trick you have played on us, he asked, telling us you lived far away, when you are in truth our near neighbours? (Joshua 9, 22)
It was but a jest, then, said Dalila; thou wert tricking me? Tell me the truth this time; what bonds can bind thee? (Judges 16, 10)
and at last he told her the truth. I am a Nazirite, he said; that is to say, I am consecrated to God from birth, and this hair of mine has never felt the touch of steel. If my hair were cut, my strength would leave me; I should lose it all, and become like other men. (Judges 16, 17)
A fresh rout it seemed, but in truth the men of Israel did but feign flight, so as to lure their pursuers down these roads, far away from the city. (Judges 20, 32)