Fondare 54 Risultati per: Revelation
Till then, Samuel was a stranger to the divine voice; the Lord had not made any revelation to him. (1 Samuel 3, 7)
After this revelation made to Samuel in Silo, the Lord continued to reveal himself there, as he had promised; and when Samuel spoke, all Israel listened. (1 Samuel 3, 21)
And Saul prayed to the Lord God of Israel, Lord God of Israel, send us right guidance; tell us why it is thou wilt give me, thy servant, no answer this day. If the guilt lies with me, or with my son Jonathan, let the sign be Revelation; if with thy people, let the sign be Holiness. Thereupon Jonathan and Saul were convicted, and the people went clear.✻ (1 Samuel 14, 41)
All this message, all this revelation, was handed on by Nathan to king David. (2 Samuel 7, 17)
All this message, all this revelation, was handed on by Nathan to king David. (1 Chronicles 17, 15)
he speaks words of revelation, to teach them the lesson they need. (Job 33, 16)
Each day echoes its secret to the next, each night passes on to the next its revelation of knowledge; (Psalms 18, 3)
like some parched wilderness, where stream is none! So in the holy place, I contemplate thee, ready for the revelation of thy greatness, thy glory. (Psalms 62, 3)
Revelation and light thy words disclose to the simple. (Psalms 118, 130)
Not such his dealings with any other nation; nowhere else the revelation of his will. Alleluia. (Psalms 147, 9)
Here are the words of Agur, son of Jacé.✻ Here is revelation made known by one that had God with him, God’s near presence to comfort him, as he spoke. (Proverbs 30, 1)
Here are words of king Lamuel; here is revelation his mother made known to him for his instruction. (Proverbs 31, 1)