Fondare 439 Risultati per: Love
And now, if you are ready to shew love and loyalty to my master, tell me your mind; if you have other thoughts, tell me your mind none the less, so that I may know where my course lies, to right or to left. (Genesis 24, 49)
and Isaac led her to the tent which had been his mother Sara’s, and made her his wife, and found comfort over the loss of his mother in his love for her. (Genesis 24, 67)
All Isaac’s love was for Esau, who brought him game to eat; Rebecca’s favourite was Jacob. (Genesis 25, 28)
make me a roast dish, such as I love well, and bring it me to eat. And so thou shalt have my blessing, against the time of my death. (Genesis 27, 4)
and on her Jacob’s love had fallen. So he answered, I will work seven years for thee to win thy younger daughter Rachel. (Genesis 29, 18)
So Jacob worked seven years to win Rachel, and they seemed to him only a few days, because of the greatness of his love. (Genesis 29, 20)
So she conceived and bore a son, whom she called Ruben, as if she would say, the Lord has looked on my lowliness, Raa-beoni. Now, she thought, my husband will love me. (Genesis 29, 32)
nor did the young man lose any time in having their request fulfilled, such was his love for the girl, and such was the influence he had with all his father’s kindred. (Genesis 34, 19)
Among his children, Jacob loved Joseph best, as old men love the sons old age has brought them; and he dressed him in a coat that was all embroidery. (Genesis 37, 3)
And when he saw the day of his death approaching, he sent for his son Joseph; Do me this favour, he said, put thy hand under my thigh, and swear, in love and loyalty, that thou wilt not bury me here in Egypt. (Genesis 47, 29)
to bow down and worship it. I, thy God, the Lord Almighty, am jealous in my love; be my enemy, and thy children, to the third and fourth generation, for thy guilt shall make amends; (Exodus 20, 5)
love me, keep my commandments, and mercy shall be thine a thousandfold. (Exodus 20, 6)