Fondare 7 Risultati per: Leadership

  • Enough; I will smite them with pestilence, and make an end of them; I will find a people greater and sturdier than this to march under thy leadership. (Numbers 14, 12)

  • he went on, It was little conceit thou hadst of thyself, when the tribes of Israel were committed to thy leadership. And the Lord anointed thee king of Israel, (1 Samuel 15, 17)

  • This way and that the whole race of Israel journeyed, and I with them; now to this tribe, now to that, I gave the leadership of the rest, and never did I reproach any of them for not building me a house of cedar. (2 Samuel 7, 7)

  • ever at Israel’s side. Now to this ruler, now to that, I gave the leadership of my people Israel, and never did I reproach any of them for not building me a house of cedar. (1 Chronicles 17, 6)

  • under such leadership the whole country, at this time much distressed by famine, went over to Bacchides. (1 Maccabees 9, 24)

  • Now hold thyself in readiness, marshal thy own strength and the hordes that follow thee; thine is the leadership. (Ezekiel 38, 7)

  • And after him Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the registration; he persuaded the people to rebel under his leadership, but he too perished, and all his followers were scattered. (Acts 5, 37)

“Não se desencoraje se você precisa trabalhar muito para colher pouco. Se você pensasse em quanto uma só alma custou a Jesus, você nunca reclamaria!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina