Fondare 760 Risultati per: Holy Spirit
But God said, This spirit of mine shall not endure in man for ever, he is but mortal clay; his life-time shall be a hundred and twenty years.✻ (Genesis 6, 3)
he was told, Do not come nearer; rather take the shoes from thy feet, thou art standing on holy ground. (Exodus 3, 5)
Thy mercy had delivered Israel; thy mercy should be their guide; thy strong arms should carry them to the holy place where thou dwellest. (Exodus 15, 13)
Remember to keep the sabbath day holy. (Exodus 20, 8)
bidding all those cunning workmen, whose art is the gift of my spirit, so clothe him as to set him apart for my service. (Exodus 28, 3)
and put the mitre on his head, and the holy plate over the mitre. (Exodus 29, 6)
As for the ram with which they were hallowed, it must be taken away and cooked in a holy place; (Exodus 29, 31)
so that the sacrifice of it may atone for them, and their hands be hallowed by the offering of it; these things are too holy to be eaten by anyone not of their family. (Exodus 29, 33)
Whatever remains till morning of the consecrated meat or bread must be burnt in the fire; it is too holy to be eaten. (Exodus 29, 34)
Seven whole days thou must spend in winning favour for the altar and consecrating it; so it shall be all holiness, and whoever touches it shall become holy thereby. (Exodus 29, 37)
And so make the holy oil to be used for anointing, an ointment mixed with all the perfumer’s art. (Exodus 30, 25)
All these thou shalt sanctify, and they shall be all holiness; whoever touches them shall become holy thereby. (Exodus 30, 29)