Fondare 177 Risultati per: Grace
bold, too, by God’s grace,✻ at the hunt, whence the proverb arose, By God’s grace, a huntsman bold as Nemrod. (Genesis 10, 9)
and when the priest makes intercession for what was inadvertently done amiss, grace and pardon will be given. (Numbers 15, 28)
Then she said, Why does the king’s grace treat the people of God so differently? Why does he persist in doing them wrong, by refusing to restore the man he has exiled? (2 Samuel 14, 13)
and the king’s grace has listened to me, and given me redress against those who would have blotted out my name and my son’s name from the record of the Lord’s people. (2 Samuel 14, 16)
Tell me then, said the king, was not Joab concerned in all this? As thou art a living man, she answered, that guess the king’s grace has made has not missed the truth by a hair’s breadth. It was thy servant Joab who sent me on my errand, and told me all I was to say; (2 Samuel 14, 19)
And now Achimaas cried out, Hail, my lord king! Then he bowed down with his face to the earth, to do the king reverence, and said, Blessed be the Lord thy God; he has not suffered them to escape, the men who took up arms against the king’s grace. (2 Samuel 18, 28)
I, thy servant, confess this day the wrong I did; that is why I have come, first spokesman of the other tribes, to meet the king’s grace on his way.✻ (2 Samuel 19, 20)
But Berzellai answered, What, a man of my years go up to Jerusalem with the king’s grace? (2 Samuel 19, 34)
Then Areuna answered, Let the king’s grace take all he needs for his offering; here are sheep for a burnt-sacrifice, here is the waggon, and the yoke my oxen bear, for kindling-wood. (2 Samuel 24, 22)
How shall we fare, I and my son Solomon, when the king’s grace has been laid to rest with his fathers? Our lives will be forfeit. (1 Kings 1, 21)
Can it be that the king’s grace has made this decree, without a word to me, his servant, to say who should succeed my lord the king on his throne? (1 Kings 1, 27)
And Banaias son of Joiada cried, Well said! May the Lord, the God who protects the king’s grace, decree no otherwise; (1 Kings 1, 36)