Fondare 58 Risultati per: Authority
rebelling against their authority. Better for us, they said, if we had died when our brethren died, by the Lord’s visitation! (Numbers 20, 3)
If anyone is contumacious, rejecting the authority of the priest who then ministers to the Lord thy God, and the judge’s sentence, his life must pay for it. Rid Israel of this plague, (Deuteronomy 17, 12)
not for you to claim authority over me, bring home to me my disgrace! (Job 19, 5)
What should Antiochus do? Here was defiance of his authority, here were tones of remonstrance that liked him little. The youngest son lived yet; for him, what encouragement, what royal assurances of wealth and happiness! Would he but leave the law of his fathers, he should be the king’s friend, and have weighty matters entrusted to him. (2 Maccabees 7, 24)
Thou seest, it may be, in this province or that, oppression of the poor, false award given, and wrong unredressed? Let not such things bewilder thee; trust me, authority is watched by higher authority, subject in turn to higher authority yet; (Ecclesiastes 5, 7)
with such authority his word runs; none may call his acts in question. (Ecclesiastes 8, 4)
Wouldst thou defy, and openly, a ruler’s authority? Thou hadst better swim against the stream’s force.✻ (Ecclesiasticus 4, 32)
granting prosperity where he will; no scribe bears office but has divine authority stamped on his brow. (Ecclesiasticus 10, 5)
Here and now I give thee authority over nations and kingdoms everywhere; with a word thou shalt root them up and pull them down, overthrow and lay them in ruins; with a word thou shalt build them up and plant them anew. (Jeremiah 1, 10)
For he taught them, not like their scribes and Pharisees, but like one who had authority. (Matthew 7, 29)
I too know what it is to obey authority; I have soldiers under me, and I say, Go, to one man, and he goes, or, Come, to another, and he comes, or, Do this, to my servant, and he does it. (Matthew 8, 9)
And now, to convince you that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins while he is on earth (here he spoke to the palsied man), Rise up, take thy bed with thee, and go home. (Matthew 9, 6)