Talált 289 Eredmények: Prayer

  • As for Ismael, for him too I grant thy prayer; be sure that I will bless him, and make him fruitful, and grant him increase beyond all measure, so that he will be the father of twelve chieftains. From him, too, a great nation shall arise; (Genesis 17, 20)

  • So I found myself, to-day, at the well; and my prayer was, O Lord, who art the God of my master Abraham, wilt thou speed this present errand of mine? (Genesis 24, 42)

  • At first she was barren, but he prayed to the Lord for her, and his prayer was answered; Rebecca conceived. (Genesis 25, 21)

  • Meanwhile, the Lord had not forgotten Rachel; her prayer was answered, and she, too, had issue. (Genesis 30, 22)

  • We were to say to thee in his name, Forget, I pray thee, the crime which thy brethren committed, the cruel wrong they did thee. And it is our prayer too that thou wouldst grant forgiveness to us, the servants of the God thy father served. Joseph wept upon hearing it; (Genesis 50, 17)

  • And Moses answered, When I leave the city I will spread out my hands in prayer to the Lord; the thunders will cease, and there will be no more hail, to prove to thee that the Lord rules the earth. (Exodus 9, 29)

  • I have chosen them out from the rest of the people to be at the disposal of Aaron and his sons, to do me service in the tabernacle and offer me prayer on Israel’s behalf. The rest of the people must not come close to the sanctuary, on pain of being smitten with a plague. (Numbers 8, 19)

  • Then, too, I pleaded with the Lord, and this was my prayer: (Deuteronomy 3, 23)

  • Lord God, I said in my prayer, do not make an end of this people of thine, this dear possession thou didst claim for thyself so signally, when thou didst rescue them from Egypt in the Egyptians’ despite. (Deuteronomy 9, 26)

  • what prayer wilt thou make before the Lord thy God? I have stripped my house, thou wilt tell him, of all that I had vowed away, given it to Levite or to wanderer, to orphan or to widow, as thou badest me; I have not neglected thy will, or forgotten thy commands. (Deuteronomy 26, 13)

  • It was on this day, when the Lord left the Amorrhites powerless before Israel’s attack, that Josue made that prayer of his to the Lord, crying out in the hearing of the people, Sun, that art setting over Gabaon, moon, that art rising in Aialon valley, stand stricken with awe. (Joshua 10, 12)

  • Never was so long a day before or since, as that day when the Lord listened to a human prayer, and fought openly on the side of Israel.✻ (Joshua 10, 14)

“Você teme um homem,um pobre instrumento nas mãos de Deus, mas não teme a justiça divina?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina