Talált 23 Eredmények: Hell
High as heaven is that wisdom, and thy reach so small; deep as hell itself, and thy thought so shallow! (Job 11, 8)
for the greatness of the mercy thou hast shewed me, in rescuing me thus from the lowest depths of hell. (Psalms 85, 13)
A king’s favour to win,✻ with ointments thou wouldst cover thee, wouldst spare no kind of perfume; on a far errand thy envoys went out, and ever thy pride was humbled, low as hell itself. (Isaiah 57, 9)
But I tell you that any man who is angry with his brother must answer for it before the court of justice, and any man who says Raca to his brother must answer for it before the Council; and any man who says to his brother, Thou fool, must answer for it in hell fire. (Matthew 5, 22)
If thy right eye is the occasion of thy falling into sin, pluck it out and cast it away from thee; better to lose one part of thy body than to have the whole cast into hell. (Matthew 5, 29)
And if thy right hand is an occasion of falling, cut it off and cast it away from thee; better to lose one of thy limbs than to have thy whole body cast into hell. (Matthew 5, 30)
And there is no need to fear those who kill the body, but have no means of killing the soul; fear him more, who has the power to ruin body and soul in hell. (Matthew 10, 28)
And thou, Capharnaum, dost thou hope to be lifted up high as heaven? Thou shalt fall low as hell. Sodom itself, if the miracles done in thee had been done there, might have stood to this day. (Matthew 11, 23)
And I tell thee this in my turn, that thou art Peter, and it is upon this rock that I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; (Matthew 16, 18)
And if thy eye is an occasion of falling to thee, pluck it out and cast it away from thee; better for thee to enter into life with one eye, than to have two eyes when thou art cast into the fires of hell. (Matthew 18, 9)
Serpents that you are, brood of vipers, how should you escape from the award of hell? (Matthew 23, 33)
If thy hand is an occasion of falling to thee, cut it off; better for thee to enter into life maimed, than to have two hands when thou goest into hell, into unquenchable fire; (Mark 9, 42)