Talált 5 Eredmények: Covetousness
What is his decree? Why, that covetousness should never fill its own maw; never did he that loved money taste the enjoyment of his money;✻ here is frustration once again. (Ecclesiastes 5, 9)
As for the ship’s timbers, it was man’s covetousness that made the need for them, and man’s skill that fashioned them; (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 2)
theft, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, envy, blasphemy, pride and folly. (Mark 7, 22)
Then he said to them, Look well and keep yourselves clear of all covetousness. A man’s life does not consist in having more possessions than he needs. (Luke 12, 15)
As for debauchery, and impurity of every kind, and covetousness, there must be no whisper of it among you; it would ill become saints; (Ephesians 5, 3)