Talált 18 Eredmények: Blasphemy
But if the Lord alters the order of nature, so that earth gapes and swallows them up with all that is theirs, and they go down still living to the depths beneath, then you will have proof that they have spoken blasphemy against the Lord. (Numbers 16, 30)
there was a letter, too, Sennacherib wrote, full of blasphemy against the Lord God of Israel, boasting that Ezechias’ God could not save his people from attack, where the gods of so many other nations had failed them. (2 Chronicles 32, 17)
that sets a crown on his sins by blasphemy! For a while, let us see all ease denied him; and let him cite God to judgement if he will! (Job 34, 37)
O God, shall our enemy taunt us everlastingly, shall blasphemy still defy thy name? (Psalms 73, 10)
Do thou avenge thyself on chieftain and army both; die they at the sword’s point! Wouldst thou forget their blasphemy; should they escape with their lives? (1 Maccabees 7, 38)
Time was, Lord, when Sennacherib’s men were loud in their blasphemy, and thy angel must go out to smite them down, a hundred and eighty thousand of them. (1 Maccabees 7, 41)
The reckless man, that speaks ever recklessly, his heart set on mischief, still full of empty show, and blasphemy against the Lord; food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty denying still! (Isaiah 32, 6)
And now I tell you this; there is pardon for all the other sins and blasphemies of men, but not for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12, 31)
It is from the heart that his wicked designs come, his sins of murder, adultery, fornication, theft, perjury and blasphemy. (Matthew 15, 19)
At this, the high priest tore his garments, and said, He has blasphemed; what further need have we of witnesses? Mark well, you have heard his blasphemy for yourselves. (Matthew 26, 65)
theft, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, envy, blasphemy, pride and folly. (Mark 7, 22)
You have heard his blasphemy for yourselves; what is your finding? And they all pronounced against him a sentence of death. (Mark 14, 64)