Talált 102 Eredmények: Angels
It was evening when the two angels reached Sodom, and Lot was sitting at the town gate. He rose up when he saw them, and went to meet them, bowing down his face to the earth. (Genesis 19, 1)
Then morning came, and the angels were urgent with him; Up, they said, take thy wife with thee, and the two daughters who are still at home, or else thou too wilt perish with the offending city. (Genesis 19, 15)
He dreamed that he saw a ladder standing on the earth, with its top reaching up into heaven; a stairway for the angels of God to go up and come down. (Genesis 28, 12)
Jacob, too, set out to continue his journey, and as he went, God’s angels met him. (Genesis 32, 1)
and Raphael, one of the Lord’s holy angels, was sent out, bearing common deliverance to the suppliants of a single hour. (Tobit 3, 25)
My lord, she said, the sight of thee overawed me, as if I had seen one of God’s angels; such reverence does thy majesty inspire. (Esther 15, 16)
Nay, in his own retinue God finds loyalty wanting; angels may err. (Job 4, 18)
Who will listen to thy plaint against God? Wilt thou turn to one of his angels for redress? (Job 5, 1)
Fickle natures God finds among his very angels; the purity of heaven itself does not suffice him; (Job 15, 15)
The God that passes judgement on his angels needs none to instruct him!✻ (Job 21, 22)
Then it is an angel’s✻ task, as many angels there be, to interpret his need, and shew him where man’s good lies; (Job 33, 23)
Rises he up, angels themselves are afraid, and take sanctuary in their dread.✻ (Job 41, 16)