1. No, we who are bold in our confidence ought to bear with the scruples of those who are timorous; not to insist on having our own way.

2. Each of us ought to give way to his neighbour, where it serves a good purpose by building up his faith.

3. Christ, after all, would not have everything his own way; Was it not uttered against thee, says the scripture, the reproach I bore?✻

4. (See how all the words written long ago were written for our instruction; we were to derive hope from that message of endurance and courage which the scriptures bring us.)

5. May God, the author of all endurance and all encouragement, enable you to be all of one mind according to the mind of Christ Jesus,

6. so that you may all have but one heart and one mouth, to glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

7. You must befriend one another, as Christ has befriended you, for God’s honour.

8. I would remind those who are circumcised, that Christ came to relieve their needs; God’s fidelity demanded it; he must make good his promises to our fathers.

9. And I would remind the Gentiles to praise God for his mercy. So we read in scripture, I will give thanks to thee for this, and sing of thy praise, in the midst of the Gentiles;✻

10. and again it says, You too, Gentiles, rejoice with his own people;✻

11. and again, Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; let all the nations of the world do him honour;✻

12. and once more Isaias says, A root shall spring from Jesse, one who shall rise up to rule the Gentiles; the Gentiles, in him, shall find hope.✻

13. May God, the author of our hope, fill you with all joy and peace in your believing; so that you may have hope in abundance, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

14. It is not that I have any doubt of you, my brethren; I know that you are full of good will, knowing all you need to know, so that you can give advice to one another if need be;

15. and yet I have written to you, here and there, somewhat freely, by way of refreshing your memory. So much I owe to the grace which God has given me,

16. in making me a priest of Jesus Christ for the Gentiles, with God’s gospel for my priestly charge, to make the Gentiles an offering worthy of acceptance, consecrated by the Holy Spirit.

17. I have, then, through Christ Jesus, some reason for confidence in God’s sight.

18. It is not for me to give you any account of what Christ has done through agents other than myself to secure the submission of the Gentiles, by word and action,✻

19. in virtue of wonders and signs, done in the power of the Holy Spirit. My own work has been to complete the preaching of Christ’s gospel, in a wide sweep from Jerusalem as far as Illyricum.✻

20. It has been a point of honour with me to preach the gospel thus, never in places where Christ’s name was already known; I would not build on the foundation another man had laid,

21. but follow the rule of scripture, He shall be seen by those who had had no tidings of him, he shall be made known to those who had never heard of him.✻

22. This was the chief reason which prevented me from visiting you; it has kept me back until now.

23. But now I can find no further scope in these countries, and I have been eager, these many years past, to find my way to you;

24. as soon, then, as I can set out on my journey to Spain, I hope to see you in passing; and you shall put me on my way, when you have done something to gratify this longing of mine.

25. As I write, I am making a journey to Jerusalem, with an errand of relief to the saints there.

26. You must know that Macedonia and Achaia have thought fit to give those saints at Jerusalem who are in need some share of their wealth;

27. they have thought fit to do it, I say, and indeed, they are in their debt. The Gentiles, if they have been allowed to share their spiritual gifts, are bound to contribute to their temporal needs in return.

28. When that is done, and I have seen this revenue safely in their hands, you shall be a stage on my journey to Spain;

29. and I am well assured that when I visit you, I shall be able to visit you in the fulness of Christ’s blessing.

30. Only, brethren, I entreat you by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Holy Spirit, to give me the help of your prayers to God on my behalf.

31. Pray that I may be kept safe from those who reject the faith in Judaea, and that my mission to Jerusalem may be well received by the saints there;

32. so that I may reach you, God willing, glad at heart, and make holiday with you.

33. May God, the author of peace, be with you all, Amen.

“Padre Pio disse a um filho espiritual: Trabalhe! Ele perguntou: No que devo trabalhar, Padre? Ele respondeu: Em amar sempre mais a Jesus!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina