pronađen 27 Rezultati za: Suffering

  • Man or woman suffering from an infection of the head or chin must be examined by the priest, (Leviticus 13, 29)

  • Thy crops, too, the fruit of thy own toil, will be carried off by a people till now unknown to thee; always thou wilt be suffering some wrong, always oppressed, (Deuteronomy 28, 33)

  • Time was, in the hundred and sixty-ninth year, when Demetrius was a-reigning, we ourselves were writing to you in the midst of suffering and alarms. Much had we to undergo, when Jason would betray his own country, his own people; (2 Maccabees 1, 7)

  • so light their suffering, so great the gain they win! God, all the while, did but test them, and testing them found them worthy of him. (Wisdom of Solomon 3, 5)

  • Fitting destiny, that lured them to a fitting doom, made them forget the past, and led them on to complete their tale of suffering and of punishment! (Wisdom of Solomon 19, 4)

  • Pottery is tested in the furnace, man in the crucible of suffering. (Ecclesiasticus 27, 6)

  • No, Lord, it was in affliction they turned back to thee; in silent hours of suffering thy chastisement reached them.✻ (Isaiah 26, 16)

  • Cruel the suffering and the bondage of Juda’s exile;✻ that she must needs dwell among the heathen! Nor respite can she find; close at her heels the pursuit, and peril on either hand. (Lamentations 1, 3)

  • Guilt and suffering, gall and wormwood, keep all this well in memory. (Lamentations 3, 19)

  • To honest doing and patient suffering betake you, men of humble heart wherever you be, men obedient to his will; it may be, when the hour of the Lord’s vengeance comes, you shall find refuge. (Zephaniah 2, 3)

  • for he did many works of healing, so that all those who were visited with suffering thrust themselves upon him, to touch him. (Mark 3, 10)

  • And there, in his suffering, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his bosom. (Luke 16, 23)

“Devo fazer somente a vontade de Deus e, se lhe agrado, o restante não conta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina