pronađen 9 Rezultati za: Redemption
The man who sells a house within the walls of a city, is free to effect its redemption till a year has passed; (Leviticus 25, 29)
But if the house stands in some unwalled village, there is the same right of redemption as if it were land; it will return to its true master in the year of jubilee, if he has not redeemed it first. (Leviticus 25, 31)
And if, even so, he cannot find the price of his redemption, in the year of jubilee he and his children shall go free. (Leviticus 25, 54)
No choice must be made of good or bad, and there must be no exchanging one beast for another. If any exchange is made, both beasts are forfeit to the Lord, and there is no redemption. (Leviticus 27, 33)
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has visited his people, and wrought their redemption. (Luke 1, 68)
And justification comes to us as a free gift from his grace, through our redemption in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3, 24)
It is in him and through his blood that we enjoy redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. So rich is God’s grace, (Ephesians 1, 7)
do not distress God’s holy Spirit, whose seal you bear until the day of your redemption comes. (Ephesians 4, 30)
In the Son of God, in his blood, we find the redemption that sets us free from our sins. (Colossians 1, 14)