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Mercy, I cried, thou God of heaven, the strong, the great, the terrible! Thou who ever keepest thy gracious promises to the souls that love thee, and are true to thy commandments! (Nehemiah 1, 5)
Let not thy ears be deaf, Lord, I beseech thee, to thy servant’s prayer, to the prayer of all these servants of thine who love to hold thy name in reverence. Speed thy servant well this day, and win for him the pity of a human heart.It was of the king I spoke; I was the royal cup-bearer. (Nehemiah 1, 11)
When I was back at Jerusalem, and learned what harm had come of Eliasib’s love for Tobias, that he would give him a store-house in the very temple of God, (Nehemiah 13, 7)
It seems I was unworthy of these men’s love, or perhaps they of mine; it may be thou wast reserving me for another husband; (Tobit 3, 19)
Thou, Lord, art my witness that I wed this sister of mine not from love of dalliance; only in the dear hope of leaving a race behind me, a race in whose destiny, Lord, may thy name be ever blessed! (Tobit 8, 9)
full of good counsel to the last; how she was to give father-in-law and mother-in-law their due, love her husband, be mistress in her own house, order it well, and prove herself the perfection of a woman. (Tobit 10, 13)
A blessing on all that love thee, on all that welcome thy good news! (Tobit 13, 18)
Do thou, in thy great love, take pity on us; or if punished we must be, let it be under thy own rod; do not abandon us, that still acknowledge thy name, to the mercy of men who never knew thee! (Judith 7, 20)
Be the eyes he casts on me a lure to catch himself, the professions of love I make, his death-blow! (Judith 9, 13)
thou hast played a man’s part, and kept thy courage high. Not unrewarded thy love of chastity, that wouldst never take a second husband in thy widowhood; the Lord gave thee firmness of resolve, and thy name shall be ever blessed. (Judith 15, 11)
So the day came when it was the turn of Esther, Abihail’s child, daughter now to his brother Mardochaeus, to be a king’s bride. For her adorning, she had no request to make; let the chamberlain Egeus, since the maidens were under his charge, deck her as he would. But oh, she was fair; she had beauty past all belief, to win men’s favour and their love. (Esther 2, 15)
The sport of ill-chance, how little I love the proud emblem of royalty I must wear before the world! Loathsome to me as the rags we women cast aside, how gladly I tear it from my brow, in this cool hour! (Esther 14, 16)