pronađen 128 Rezultati za: Justice
Can there be healing,✻ where there is no love of right? Wouldst thou find fault with him whose justice runs so deep? (Job 34, 17)
Is sentence passed on thee such as rebels undergo? Thou shalt have justice yet, and a true award. (Job 36, 17)
Surely thou wilt put an end to the wrong-doing of the wicked, and prosper the innocent; no thought or desire of ours can escape the scrutiny of thy divine justice. (Psalms 7, 10)
Thou hast given me redress and maintained my cause; thou art there on thy throne, seeing justice done. (Psalms 9, 5)
How sacred a thing is the fear of the Lord, which is binding for ever; how unerring are the awards which the Lord makes, one and all giving proof of their justice! (Psalms 18, 10)
thy justice stands firm as the everlasting hills,✻ the wisdom of thy decrees is deep as the abyss. Lord, thou dost give protection to man and beast, (Psalms 35, 7)
making thy honesty clear as the day, the justice of thy cause bright as the sun at noon. (Psalms 36, 6)
gird thyself with all thy majesty and all thy beauty; ride on triumphant, in the name of faithfulness and justice. Dread counsel thy own might shall give thee; (Psalms 44, 5)
thy divine wonders, thy matchless justice, Lord, they shall proclaim. (Psalms 70, 16)
Such be the harvest his subjects shall reap, peace on every mountain, justice on every hill-side. (Psalms 71, 3)
Justice in his days shall thrive, and the blessings of peace; and may those days last till the moon shines no more. (Psalms 71, 7)
Will you never cease perverting justice, espousing the cause of the wicked? (Psalms 81, 2)