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and to-morrow you shall witness his glory. He has heard your complaints against himself—not against us, we are nothing. (Exodus 16, 7)
Even as Aaron was speaking to the assembled Israelites, they looked round towards the desert, and saw the glory of the Lord revealed there in a cloud. (Exodus 16, 10)
for six days the glory of the Lord abode there on Sinai, wrapping it in cloud, and on the seventh day, from the heart of that darkness, the Lord called to him. (Exodus 24, 16)
To the Israelites, as they looked upon it, this glory of the Lord wore the semblance of a fire, burning there on the summit of the mountain. (Exodus 24, 17)
Give me, then, said Moses, the sight of thy glory. (Exodus 33, 18)
there I will station thee in a cleft of the rock, while my glory passes by, and cover thee with my right hand until I have gone past. (Exodus 33, 22)
Moses proclaimed, Here is a command laid upon you by the Lord; fulfil it, and his glory will be revealed to you. (Leviticus 9, 6)
After this, both Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle that bears record and blessed the people as they came out. Whereupon the glory of the Lord shone out upon the whole multitude, (Leviticus 9, 23)
At this, all the people cried out, and were for stoning them. But suddenly, over the tabernacle, the glory of the Lord’s presence made itself known to the whole of Israel. (Numbers 14, 10)
But as I am the living Lord, whose glory must spread wide as earth, (Numbers 14, 21)
and gathered the whole multitude to meet them at the tabernacle door. And the glory of the Lord’s presence was revealed to them all. (Numbers 16, 19)
until Moses and Aaron took refuge in the tabernacle. As soon as they entered it, the cloud overshadowed it, and the glory of the Lord’s presence was revealed. (Numbers 16, 43)