pronađen 116 Rezultati za: Comfort
For thyself, thou shalt be buried with thy fathers, grown old in comfort; (Genesis 15, 15)
and Isaac led her to the tent which had been his mother Sara’s, and made her his wife, and found comfort over the loss of his mother in his love for her. (Genesis 24, 67)
sons and daughters born, and no comfort to thee, all carried away into exile. (Deuteronomy 28, 41)
The man that lived softly hitherto, in all comfort, will grudge food to his own brother, to the wife that lay in his bosom, (Deuteronomy 28, 54)
Long may some princess try to comfort her, with wiser counsel than the rest: (Judges 5, 29)
Then she said, This is great kindness in thee, my lord, so to comfort and encourage me, thy poor servant that cannot compare with these handmaids of thine. (Ruth 2, 13)
Here is one that shall bring comfort to thy heart, and support to thy old age; such a mother is his, such a daughter-in-law is thine, whose love is worth more to thee than seven sons of thy own. (Ruth 4, 15)
while her husband Elcana tried to comfort her. Anna, he said, what need to weep, what need to deny thyself food? What sorrow weighs on thy heart? Is it not worth the love of ten sons, the love I bear thee? (1 Samuel 1, 8)
the chiefs there said to Hanon, their sovereign, What, David send messengers to comfort thee, in honour of thy father’s memory? Nay, if he has sent men here, they are spies who will make a report on the city, so that he may come and destroy it. (2 Samuel 10, 3)
Long did their father Ephraim mourn for them, till his brethren gathered round to comfort him; (1 Chronicles 7, 22)
the chiefs there said to Hanon, What, David send messengers to comfort thee, in honour of thy father’s memory? Nay, if he has sent men here, they are spies ready to search thy land and make report on it. (1 Chronicles 19, 3)
And he died grown old in comfort, neither length of days nor riches nor honours wanting to him, and with his son Solomon to reign as his heir. (1 Chronicles 29, 28)