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  • To the woman he said, Many are the pangs, many are the throes I will give thee to endure; with pangs thou shalt give birth to children, and thou shalt be subject to thy husband; he shall be thy lord. (Genesis 3, 16)

  • Giants lived on the earth in those days, when first the sons of God mated with the daughters of men, and by them had children; these were the heroes whose fame has come down to us from long ago. (Genesis 6, 4)

  • And these were the children of Noe, the man who was accepted as faultless in such a generation, the close friend of God; (Genesis 6, 9)

  • Here is a covenant I will observe with you and with your children after you, (Genesis 9, 9)

  • These were the descendants of Noe’s children, Sem, Cham and Japheth, through the sons that were born to them after the flood. (Genesis 10, 1)

  • Sem, too, Japheth’s elder brother, had children; he is father of all who claim descent from Heber. (Genesis 10, 21)

  • But now the Lord came down to look at the city, with its tower, which Adam’s children were building; (Genesis 11, 5)

  • Abram and Nachor married; Abram’s wife was called Sarai, and Nachor’s wife was called Melcha. Her father Aran had two children, Melcha herself and Jescha. (Genesis 11, 29)

  • Sarai was barren, and had no children. (Genesis 11, 30)

  • to me (Abram added) thou hast given no children, so that all the heir I have is a slave born in my house. (Genesis 15, 3)

  • And still Abram’s wife Sarai bore him no children. But she had an Egyptian maid-servant, called Agar; (Genesis 16, 1)

  • and now she said to her husband, The Lord, as thou seest, denies me motherhood; betake thyself to this maid of mine, in the hope that I may at least have children through her means. So Abram consented to the wish of his wife, (Genesis 16, 2)

“A natureza humana também quer a sua parte. Até Maria, Mãe de Jesus, que sabia que por meio de Sua morte a humanidade seria redimida, chorou e sofreu – e como sofreu!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina