1. Then, in the third year of Cyrus’ reign, that was king of Persia, a fresh revelation was made to Daniel, who is also called Baltassar. Here is truth indubitable, and a great host … And right well he understood its meaning; little avails vision where understanding is none.✻

2. For three weeks together I, Daniel, that saw it, had been making sad cheer;

3. for three weeks together dry bread was my diet, nor ever did meat or wine cross my lips, nor oil anoint me.

4. Came now the twenty-fourth day of the new year, and I stood by the banks of the great river, where it is called Tigris.

5. I looked up, and saw a man standing there clad all in linen, and his girdle of fine gold.

6. Clear as topaz his body was, like the play of lightning shone his face, and like burning cressets his eyes; arms and legs of him had the sheen of bronze, and when he spoke, it was like the murmur of a throng.

7. The vision was for me, for Daniel, alone; my companions never saw it; such fear overcame them, they were fain to hide themselves,

8. and I was left alone with this high vision for my company. No wonder if my spirits were cowed; pale grew my cheek, and all the strength in me ebbed away.

9. He spoke, and as I listened to that voice, I swooned where I stood, and lay there, face to earth,

10. till a hand touched me, giving fresh impulse to knee and wrist.

11. Daniel, he said to me, Daniel, so well beloved, up with thee, and heed thou well; I have an errand to thee. Yet for all he spoke thus to me, I stood there trembling,

12. and still he must allay my fears. Take heart, Daniel, said he; thy prayers did not go unheard. Prayer of thine it was beckoned me to thy side, from the very moment when thou didst set about thy search for knowledge, by fasting in the presence of thy God;

13. but these twenty-one days he who guards the realm of Persia has delayed my coming. At last Michael, one of the high lords, brought me aid, and there, at Persia’s court, I was left master of the field.✻

14. Now I am here to tell thee what shall befall thy people in the last days; long days must pass ere the revelation is accomplished.

15. Ever, as he spoke, I stood there dumb, and with eyes downcast,

16. till all at once a touch fell on my lips, like the touch of human hand.✻ Now found I speech, to give yonder visitant his answer. Bethink thee, my lord, I said, that sight of thee unknits my frame; strength in me is none.

17. How should slave bandy words with master? Not strength alone fails me; the very breath will not come.

18. Once again a hand seemed to touch me, and words came to hearten me;

19. Nay, fears are not for thee, so well beloved; never harm befall thee! Take courage, and play a man’s part! With that, I found my strength again; Speak on, my Lord, said I; thou hast put new heart into me.

20. And he answered, Hast thou read, by this, the secret of my coming to thee? I am even now on my way back to fight against the lord of Persia; when I left him, what saw I but the lord of the Greeks already on the march?

21. Only I must shew thee first what is written in the book of doom.✻ Much is to do, and save for Michael, that is guardian of your race, I have none to aid me.

“Não se fixe voluntariamente naquilo que o inimigo da alma lhe apresenta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina