Trouvé 230 Résultats pour: Hope
and now she said to her husband, The Lord, as thou seest, denies me motherhood; betake thyself to this maid of mine, in the hope that I may at least have children through her means. So Abram consented to the wish of his wife, (Genesis 16, 2)
Juda shall not want a branch from his stem,✻ a prince drawn from his stock, until the day when he comes who is to be sent to us, he, the hope of the nations. (Genesis 49, 10)
Moses told the Lord to his face, The Israelites will not listen to me; what hope is there that Pharao will listen to me? A man, moreover, so tongue-tied.✻ (Exodus 6, 12)
As you hope for the Lord’s mercy, cried Pharao, you shall not go thus, taking your children with you. Who can doubt there is mischief brewing here? (Exodus 10, 10)
If a man curses father or mother, his life must pay for it; he has put himself beyond hope of pardon,✻ in cursing father or mother. (Leviticus 20, 9)
If man or woman is possessed by a spirit of witchcraft or divination, their lives must pay for it by stoning; they have put themselves beyond hope of pardon. (Leviticus 20, 27)
Would you defy the Lord’s will, daunted by the Chanaanites? Why, they are bread for our eating; they may not hope to defend themselves. The Lord is on our side; never be afraid of them! (Numbers 14, 9)
Wilt thou not learn to love the Lord thy God, and obey him, and keep close to his side? Thou hast no life, no hope of long continuance, but in him; shall not the land which he promised as a gift to thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, be thine to dwell in? (Deuteronomy 30, 20)
These duties are not lightly enjoined on you; to every man of you they are life itself. Only by performing them can you hope for long enjoyment of this land across Jordan which is to be your home. (Deuteronomy 32, 47)
but slew, that day, some ten thousand Moabite warriors, cut off from all hope of escape. (Judges 3, 29)
As the Lord, Israel’s protector, is a living God, though it were Jonathan, my own son, that is answerable for it, he shall die without hope of reprieve. And no voice among them all said him nay. (1 Samuel 14, 39)
At last a time came when Saul was traversing one side of a mountain, while David and his men were on the opposite side. David had lost hope of slipping through Saul’s hands, now that Saul’s men had encircled his, ready to cut them off. (1 Samuel 23, 26)