Löydetty 65 Tulokset: Holiness

  • What power is there, Lord, that can match thee? Who, as thou art, is august in holiness, who so worthy of fear and of praise, who so wonderful in his doings? (Exodus 15, 11)

  • Seven whole days thou must spend in winning favour for the altar and consecrating it; so it shall be all holiness, and whoever touches it shall become holy thereby. (Exodus 29, 37)

  • Once a year Aaron shall make intercession at the horns of it, with the blood that is offered in atonement for sin, winning pardon for you there, age after age; it shall be all holiness in the Lord’s honour. (Exodus 30, 10)

  • All these thou shalt sanctify, and they shall be all holiness; whoever touches them shall become holy thereby. (Exodus 30, 29)

  • All this thou shalt beat into fine powder, and keep a store of it before the tabernacle that bears record of me, my trysting-place with thee. For you, this incense shall be all holiness; (Exodus 30, 36)

  • and the washing-basin with its stand; all must be consecrated with the anointing-oil, to be holiness itself. (Exodus 40, 11)

  • And Moses told Aaron, The Lord gave us warning of this when he said: I mean to vindicate my holiness among those who come near me, win reverence in the eyes of the whole people. And with that, Aaron kept silence. (Leviticus 10, 3)

  • Why did you not eat, on holy ground, this transgression-victim, all holiness, which was handed over to you so that you might take the faults of the people on yourselves, and make intercession for them in the Lord’s presence? (Leviticus 10, 17)

  • Do not dishonour my holy name; it is among the sons of Israel that I would vindicate my holiness, I, the Lord, who have set you apart for myself, (Leviticus 22, 32)

  • But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Why did you not trust in me, and vindicate my holiness in the sight of Israel? It will not be yours to lead this multitude into the land I mean to give them. (Numbers 20, 12)

  • This is the place called the Water of Rebellion, where the Israelites challenged the Lord, and he vindicated his holiness before them. (Numbers 20, 13)

  • Both of you earned my displeasure when the people challenged my power in the wilderness of Sin, by not vindicating my holiness before their eyes. (This was by the Waters of Rebellion, at Cades in the desert of Sin.) (Numbers 27, 14)

“Seja grato e beije docemente a mão de Deus. É sempre a mão de um pai que pune porque lhe quer bem” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina