Löydetty 46 Tulokset: Destruction

  • Such was the appearance I had seen of him, when he came bent on the city’s destruction, when I saw my vision by the banks of Chobar; down fell I, face to earth. (Ezekiel 43, 3)

  • a match even for the captain of those armies, that must lose the daily sacrifice offered to him, and look on at the destruction of his sanctuary. (Daniel 8, 11)

  • and then sixty-two weeks must pass before the Christ is done to death; the people will disown him and have none of him. Then the army of an invading leader will destroy both city and sanctuary, so that his taking away will mean utter destruction; only a ruin is to be left when that war is ended. (Daniel 9, 26)

  • Was it for such men as these I exterminated the Amorrhites, a race tall as the cedar, hardy as the oak, root and fruit of them doomed to destruction? (Amos 2, 9)

  • All over this land, the Lord says, two thirds of them are forfeit to destruction, only a third shall be left to dwell there; (Zechariah 13, 8)

  • you do not reflect that it is best for us if one man is put to death for the sake of the people, to save a whole nation from destruction. (John 11, 50)

  • It may be that God has borne, long and patiently, with those who are the objects of his vengeance, fit only for destruction, meaning to give proof of that vengeance, and display his power at last;✻ (Romans 9, 22)

  • trading on your credulity with lying stories for their own ends. Long since, the warrant for their doom is in full vigour; destruction is on the watch for them. (2 Peter 2, 3)

  • The beast thou sawest is that which lived once, and now is dead; soon it must rise from the abyss, and find its way to utter destruction. The sight of this beast which lived once, and now is dead, will strike awe into every dweller on earth, except those whose names have been written, before the world was, in the book of life. (Revelation 17, 8)

  • And the beast which lived once and now is dead must be reckoned as the eighth, yet it is one of the seven; now it is to find its way to utter destruction.✻ (Revelation 17, 11)

“No tumulto das paixões terrenas e das adversidades, surge a grande esperança da misericórdia inexorável de Deus. Corramos confiantes ao tribunal da penitência onde Ele, com ansiedade paterna, espera-nos a todo instante.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina