Löydetty 547 Tulokset: Christ
Jesus said to her, I, who speak to thee, am the Christ. (John 4, 26)
Come and have sight of a man who has told me all the story of my life; can this be the Christ? (John 4, 29)
we have learned to believe, and are assured that thou art the Christ, the Son of God.✻ (John 6, 70)
Yet here he is, speaking publicly, and they have nothing to say to him. Can the rulers have made up their minds in earnest, that this is the Christ? (John 7, 26)
But then, we know this man’s origins; when Christ appears, no one is to know whence he comes. (John 7, 27)
And indeed, among the multitude there were many who learned to believe in him; they said, Can the Christ be expected to do more miracles at his coming than this man has done? (John 7, 31)
Others said, This is the Christ; and others again, Is the Christ, then, to come from Galilee? (John 7, 41)
Has not the scripture told us that Christ is to come from the family of David, and from the village of Bethlehem, where David lived?✻ (John 7, 42)
It was fear of the Jews that made his parents talk in this way; the Jews had by now come to an agreement that anyone who acknowledged Jesus as the Christ should be forbidden the synagogue; (John 9, 22)
So the Jews gathered round him, and said to him, How long wilt thou go on keeping us in suspense? If thou art the Christ, tell us openly. (John 10, 24)
Yes, Lord, she told him, I have learned to believe that thou art the Christ; thou art the Son of the living God; it is for thy coming the world has waited. (John 11, 27)
The multitude answered him, We have been told, out of the law, that Christ is to remain undisturbed for ever;✻ what dost thou mean by saying that the Son of Man must be lifted up? What Son of Man is this? (John 12, 34)