Löydetty 279 Tulokset: Truth

  • Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed. (Psalms 84, 11)

  • Truth is sprung out of the earth: and justice hath looked down from heaven. (Psalms 84, 12)

  • Conduct me, O Lord, in thy way, and I will walk in thy truth: let my heart rejoice that it may fear thy name. (Psalms 85, 11)

  • Shall any one in the sepulchre declare thy mercy: and thy truth in destruction? (Psalms 87, 12)

  • The mercies of the Lord I will sing for ever. I will shew forth thy truth with my mouth to generation and generation. (Psalms 88, 2)

  • For thou hast said: Mercy shall be built up for ever in the heavens: thy truth shall be prepared in them. (Psalms 88, 3)

  • The heavens shall confess thy wonders, O Lord: and thy truth in the church of the saints. (Psalms 88, 6)

  • O Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy truth is round about thee. (Psalms 88, 9)

  • justice and judgment are the preparation of thy throne. Mercy and truth shall go before thy face: (Psalms 88, 15)

  • And my truth and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. (Psalms 88, 25)

  • But my mercy I will not take away from him: nor will I suffer my truth to fail. (Psalms 88, 34)

  • Lord, where are thy ancient mercies, according to what thou didst swear to David in thy truth? (Psalms 88, 50)

“Enquanto tiver medo de ser infiel a Deus, você não será’. Deve-se ter medo quando o medo acaba!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina