1. Then, O my brethren, so greatly loved and longed for, all my delight and prize, stand firmly in the Lord, beloved, as I bid you.

2. I call upon thee, Evodia, and I call upon thee, Syntyche, to make common cause in the Lord.

3. Yes, and I ask thee, who sharest the yoke so loyally, to take part with them; they have worked for the gospel at my side, as much as Clement and those other fellow labourers of mine, whose names are recorded in the book of life.✻

4. Joy to you in the Lord at all times; once again I wish you joy.

5. Give proof to all of your courtesy. The Lord is near.✻

6. Nothing must make you anxious; in every need make your requests known to God, praying and beseeching him, and giving him thanks as well.

7. So may the peace of God, which surpasses all our thinking, watch over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

8. And now, brethren, all that rings true, all that commands reverence, and all that makes for right; all that is pure, all that is lovely, all that is gracious in the telling; virtue and merit, wherever virtue and merit are found—let this be the argument of your thoughts.

9. The lessons I taught you, the traditions I handed on to you, all you have heard and seen of my way of living—let this be your rule of conduct. Then the God of peace will be with you.

10. It has been a great happiness to me in the Lord that your remembrance of me should have blossomed out afresh. It has flowered late, but then, you had never forgotten me; it was only that you lacked opportunity.

11. I am not thinking of my own want; I have learned by now to be content with my circumstances as they are.

12. I know what it is to be brought low, and what it is to have abundant means; I have been apprenticed to everything, having my fill and going hungry, living in plenty and living in want;

13. nothing is beyond my powers, thanks to the strength God gives me.

14. No, but it was kindness in you to share my hardships in this way.

15. You remember, Philippians, as well as I do, that when I left Macedonia in those early days of gospel preaching, yours was the only church whose sympathy with me meant alms given and received;

16. not once but twice, when I was at Thessalonica, you contributed to my needs.

17. It is not that I set store by your alms; I set store by the rich increase that stands to your credit.

18. I am content, more than content; I am fully endowed, ever since Epaphroditus brought me your gift, a sacrifice that breathes out fragrance, winning favour with God.

19. So may he, the God I serve, supply every need of yours; he has treasures of glory laid up in Christ Jesus.

20. Glory to God, who is our Father, for ever and ever, Amen.

21. Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus.

22. The brethren who are with me send you their greeting; greeting, too, from all the saints, especially those who belong to the Emperor’s household.

23. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, Amen.

“Desapegue-se daquilo que não é de Deus e não leva a Deus”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina