Found 53 Results for: Health
And now, at Abraham’s intercession, God restored health to Abimelech, to his wife and to his servant women; (Genesis 20, 17)
If thou wilt listen to the voice of the Lord thy God, his will doing, his word obeying, and all he bids thee observe, observing faithfully, never shall they fall on thee, the many woes brought on Egypt; I am the Lord, and it is health I bring thee. (Exodus 15, 26)
where Eliseus sent word out to him, Go and bathe seven times in the Jordan, if thou wouldst have health restored to thy flesh, and be clean. (2 Kings 5, 10)
Eliseus said, Go and assure him of health restored; but for all that, the Lord has revealed to me that he is doomed to die. (2 Kings 8, 10)
So he parted from Eliseus and went back to his master. What said Eliseus? asked he, and Hazael gave him the message that he should recover his health; (2 Kings 8, 14)
and went back to Jezrahel to recover his health. And when Joram, Achab’s son, lay sick at Jezrahel, recovering from the wound he had received in fighting against Hazael at Ramoth-Galaad, Ochozias son of Joram king of Juda came there to visit him. (2 Kings 8, 29)
When Ezechias asked what sign should be given him that his health would be restored, and that he would set foot in the Lord’s temple within three days, (2 Kings 20, 8)
Thereupon the king wrote to Reum, Samsai, and their partisans in Samaria and beyond Euphrates, wishing them health and peace. (Ezra 4, 17)
Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Esdras, a scribe most learned in the law of the God of heaven, health and greeting. (Ezra 7, 12)
it went out to all the Jews in the hundred and twenty-seven provinces of Assuerus’ realm, wishing them health and assuring them that they had her warrant (Esther 9, 30)
thy anger has driven away all health from my body, never a bone sound in it, so grievous are my sins. (Psalms 37, 4)
The Lord will sustain him when he lies bed-ridden, turn all to health in his sickness. (Psalms 40, 4)