Found 108 Results for: Curse
And the Lord God said to the serpent, For this work of thine, thou, alone among all the cattle and all the wild beasts, shalt bear a curse; thou shalt crawl on thy belly and eat dust all thy life long. (Genesis 3, 14)
And to Adam he said, Thou hast listened to thy wife’s counsel, and hast eaten the fruit I forbade thee to eat; and now, through thy act, the ground is under a curse. All the days of thy life thou shalt win food from it with toil; (Genesis 3, 17)
those who bless thee, I will bless, those who curse thee, I will curse, and in thee all the races of the world shall find a blessing.✻ (Genesis 12, 3)
And if, when thou reachest them, these kinsmen of mine will not give her up to thee, no curse of mine shall light upon thee. (Genesis 24, 41)
What if my father should feel it? He will think that I have been trying to make game of him, and it is a curse, not a blessing, I shall win. (Genesis 27, 12)
A curse, my son? said his mother. Let it fall on me; do but attend to my bidding, and fetch me what I ask for. (Genesis 27, 13)
Let nations serve thee, and peoples bow before thee; mayst thou be lord over thy brethren, receive obeisance from thy own mother’s sons; a curse on those who curse, a blessing on those who bless thee! (Genesis 27, 29)
A curse on this unrelenting rage of theirs, this bitter spite! I will distribute them here and there in Jacob, I will scatter them throughout Israel. (Genesis 49, 7)
Then he will unveil the woman’s head, as she stands there in the Lord’s presence, and put into her hands the token-sacrifice, the jealous man’s offering; in his own hand will be the baneful waters, embittered now by his curse.✻ (Numbers 5, 18)
then this curse of mine will bind thee: The Lord make thee a by-word of all that is accursed among his people, make thy thigh rot and thy belly swell till it bursts. (Numbers 5, 21)
come and lay thy curse on them, or they are too strong for me. I would fain overthrow them, drive them out of my country; and I know well that a blessing falls where thou dost bless, a curse where thou dost curse. (Numbers 22, 6)
Do not go with them, the Lord said to Balaam; do not lay thy curse on the people, for a blessing goes with them. (Numbers 22, 12)