Encontrados 29 resultados para: Repentance
What avails it, to harden your hearts against repentance? So Pharao and Egypt with him hardened their hearts, and would not let his people go till they had felt all his plagues, but in the end they went. (1 Samuel 6, 6)
Does the sky bar its gates against them, and give no rain, in punishment for their sins? Then, if they come here acknowledging thee with prayer and repentance, and turn away, in their sore need, from their sins, (1 Kings 8, 35)
Are thy people of Israel condemned to flee before their enemies, in punishment of the sins they will surely commit? Then, if they come back to thee in repentance, call on thy name and plead with thee in this temple of thine, (2 Chronicles 6, 24)
Does the sky bar its gates against them, and give no rain, in punishment for their sins? Then, if they come here acknowledging thee with prayer and repentance, and turn away, in their sore need, from their sins, (2 Chronicles 6, 26)
The Chronicle of Hozai, too, tells of his prayer and how his prayer was answered; of his defiance, and of all the places where he set up hill-shrine and forest shrine and image, before the time of his repentance. (2 Chronicles 33, 19)
Time for repentance God gave him, by his pride misused, but ever on his doings kept a watchful eye; (Job 24, 23)
He is trapped, that consecrates his gift in haste;✻ the vow made, repentance comes too late. (Proverbs 20, 25)
Only thou art all-merciful, as befits the Almighty, and dost overlook our human slips, in hope of our repentance. (Wisdom of Solomon 11, 24)
Two lessons thy people were to learn from these dealings of thine; ever should justice and mercy go hand in hand, never should thy own children despair of forestalling thy justice by repentance. (Wisdom of Solomon 12, 19)
Do nothing, my son, save with consideration, and thy deeds shall not bring thee repentance. (Ecclesiasticus 32, 24)
Enoch there was, that did God’s will, and was taken away to Paradise, repentance his gift to mankind.✻ (Ecclesiasticus 44, 16)
Never a true vision or a wise thy prophets have for thee, never shew thee where thy guilt rests, and urge thee to repentance; lies and lures are all the burden of their revealing. (Lamentations 2, 14)