Encontrados 720 resultados para: Moses

  • who adopted him as her own son, and gave him the name of Moses, the Rescuer; I had to rescue him, she said, from the river. (Exodus 2, 10)

  • A time came when Moses, now a grown-up man, went out among his brethren the Hebrews, and saw how ill they were treated, saw one of these brethren of his being beaten by an Egyptian; (Exodus 2, 11)

  • Why, said he, who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? Hast thou a mind to kill me, as thou didst kill that Egyptian yesterday? And Moses was terrified to find that his action had so strangely come to light. (Exodus 2, 14)

  • When Pharao heard of it, he was for putting Moses to death; and Moses, to avoid his scrutiny, took refuge in the country of Madian. Here he sat down to rest by the side of a well. (Exodus 2, 15)

  • But now came shepherds, and would have turned the maidens away, until Moses stood up for them, and himself watered their sheep. (Exodus 2, 17)

  • So it came about that Moses bound himself by an oath to live there with Raguel, and wedded his daughter Sephora. (Exodus 2, 21)

  • The first son she bore him he called Gersam, as if he would say, I have been a stranger, Ger, in an alien land. And when she bore another son, Moses called him Eliezer, Help from God; the God of my father (said he) has helped me to escape from the power of Pharao.✻ (Exodus 2, 22)

  • Moses, in the meanwhile, had married the daughter of Jethro, priest of Madian, and was doing shepherd’s work for him. Deep into the desert he led his flock, till he reached God’s own mountain of Horeb. (Exodus 3, 1)

  • Here is a great sight, said Moses, I must go up and see more of it, a bush that does not waste by burning. (Exodus 3, 3)

  • But now, as he saw him coming up to look closer, the Lord called to him from the midst of the bush, Moses Moses; and when he answered, I am here, at thy command, (Exodus 3, 4)

  • Then he said, I am the God thy father worshipped, the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. And Moses hid his face; he dared not look on the open sight of God. (Exodus 3, 6)

  • At this, Moses said to God, Ah, who am I, that thou shouldst send me to Pharao? Who am I that I should lead the sons of Israel out of Egypt? (Exodus 3, 11)

A firmeza de todo o edifício depende da fundação e do teto! São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina