Encontrados 40 resultados para: Messenger
There in the camp they fell a-prophesying, and a messenger ran to bring Moses tidings of it. (Numbers 11, 27)
So when she met her husband she told him, I have been speaking with a messenger from God, who might have been an angel, such awe his look inspired in me. Who he was, his home, his name, he would not tell, (Judges 13, 6)
Thereupon Manue entreated the Lord to send his messenger again, and tell them how this child, once born, should be nurtured. (Judges 13, 8)
And now a messenger from the Lord came to Heli, and this was the Lord’s warning to him: It was to men of thy clan that I revealed myself openly, when they still dwelt in Egypt as Pharao’s servants; (1 Samuel 2, 27)
The noise of it came to Heli’s ears, and he asked what this tumult should mean. With all speed the messenger came up and told his news. (1 Samuel 4, 14)
Israel has been routed by the Philistines, the messenger answered, and there is great havoc wrought among the people; and thy two sons, Ophni and Phinees, are dead; and the ark of God was taken. (1 Samuel 4, 17)
there and then he took both the oxen, and cut them into small pieces, which he sent round by messenger to every part of Israel; The man who does not rally, said he, to the cause of Saul and Samuel, will have his oxen treated like these. And the Lord put the whole people in such dread of him, that they answered his summons to a man; (1 Samuel 11, 7)
he said to David, Let the Lord God of Israel be my witness, if I sound my father to-morrow or next day, and hear good news of David, I will send a messenger to give thee the news; (1 Samuel 20, 12)
What proof hast thou, David asked the messenger, that Saul and Jonathan were slain? (2 Samuel 1, 5)
And now David asked the messenger, Whence is it thou camest? My father, he answered, was an alien, a man of Amalec. (2 Samuel 1, 13)
and this was his word to the messenger who carried it: When thou hast finished giving the king the report of the battle, (2 Samuel 11, 19)
So the messenger left him, and when he came into David’s presence he gave him all Joab’s message. (2 Samuel 11, 22)