Encontrados 22 resultados para: Idolatry

  • Rebellion is sin as witchcraft is sin, all one with idolatry is the unsubmissive heart. Thou hast revoked thy loyalty to the Lord, and he thy kingship. (1 Samuel 15, 23)

  • ridding the land of shrine-prostitutes, and sweeping away all the filth of idolatry his fathers had brought in with them. (1 Kings 15, 12)

  • What else Joakim did, all his idolatry and the story of the life he lived, may be found in the Record of the kings of Juda and Israel; he was succeeded by his son Joachin. (2 Chronicles 36, 8)

  • who thereupon cleansed the sanctuary, nor any stone that was polluted with idolatry but they had it away into a place unclean. (1 Maccabees 4, 43)

  • Well it is for God’s loyal servants, that eschew idolatry, and live from all censure far removed. (Baruch 6, 72)

  • Speak to them, thou, and tell them this from the Lord God: When a man of Israel’s race comes to consult me through a prophet, his own heart yet cumbered with false gods, his own feet yet entangled with guilt, shall I, the Lord, give him answer in his idolatry?✻ (Ezekiel 14, 4)

  • All was defiance and disobedience; idolatry still cherished, the worship of Egypt’s gods still unforsaken. I was minded to let my anger have its way, glut my vengeance on them, there in Egypt. (Ezekiel 20, 8)

  • To this day, when you would make offering, you pass your sons through the fire; guilt of idolatry stains you yet, and shall I make answer to you, men of Israel? As I am a living God, the Lord says, you shall have no answer from me! (Ezekiel 20, 31)

  • Among the flower of Assyrian chivalry was none but enjoyed her favours; and she, that courted all alike, soiled herself with their idolatry. (Ezekiel 23, 7)

  • that has brought thee to this pass; so wantonly didst thou court the heathen, till at last their idolatry infected thee. (Ezekiel 23, 30)

  • Wantonness punished, idolatry’s guilt uncondoned; you shall know the Lord’s power at last. (Ezekiel 23, 49)

  • And then I will pour cleansing streams over you, to purge you from every stain you bear, purge you from the taint of your idolatry. (Ezekiel 36, 25)

“Não se desencoraje, pois, se na alma existe o contínuo esforço de melhorar, no final o Senhor a premia fazendo nela florir, de repente, todas as virtudes como num jardim florido.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina