Encontrados 22 resultados para: Husbands
They must not wed harlots, or women dishonoured, or those whom their husbands have rejected, these men vowed to the service of their God, (Leviticus 21, 7)
may you live at ease with new husbands. And with that she gave them a parting kiss. But no, they wept aloud, (Ruth 1, 9)
and by the first day of the first month all the husbands of foreign wives had passed before them. (Ezra 10, 17)
The oath was taken by the whole people, priests, Levites, door-keepers, singers, Nathinaeans and the rest, all who had broken off their contact with the Gentiles to keep the law of God. Wives as well as husbands took it; sons and daughters, too, (Nehemiah 10, 28)
and the ground of it was that she had been married seven times, but each of her husbands in turn had been killed, at the time of his bedding with her, by an evil spirit that was named Asmodaeus. (Tobit 3, 8)
This maid, then, upon being reproved for some fault, had answered, God send we never see son or daughter of thine brought to light! Murderess, where are those husbands of thine? (Tobit 3, 9)
Thereupon all of them, husbands and wives, young men and children, gathered about Ozias, all uttering a single cry of complaint. (Judith 7, 12)
All our women-folk will hear what she has done, and all will set their husbands at defiance, reminding them how king Assuerus sent for queen Vasthi, and she would not come. (Esther 1, 17)
In all the broad lands under thy domain let this decree be published; so to all husbands, high and low, their wives shall pay due honour henceforward. (Esther 1, 20)
Here is word for you, pampered cattle that dwell at Samaria, the poor wronging, the friendless folk spurning, and ever crying out upon your husbands, Wine, there! We would drink! (Amos 4, 1)
Thou hast had five husbands, but the man who is with thee now is no husband of thine; thou hast told the truth over this. (John 4, 18)
if they have any question to raise, let them ask their husbands at home. That a woman should make her voice heard in the church is not seemly. (1 Corinthians 14, 35)