Encontrados 14 resultados para: Forgiveness
Then Cain said to the Lord, Guilt like mine is too great to find forgiveness. (Genesis 4, 13)
Enslave me instead; with full justice, I made myself answerable for him. If I do not bring him back, I said, I will never claim my own father’s forgiveness. (Genesis 44, 32)
We were to say to thee in his name, Forget, I pray thee, the crime which thy brethren committed, the cruel wrong they did thee. And it is our prayer too that thou wouldst grant forgiveness to us, the servants of the God thy father served. Joseph wept upon hearing it; (Genesis 50, 17)
When the whole congregation is guilty of such a fault through inadvertence, not only the people of Israel, but all the aliens that dwell among them, will receive forgiveness. (Numbers 15, 26)
Grant that sin forgiveness; let me have thy company, while I go back to pay the Lord worship. (1 Samuel 15, 25)
do thou, in heaven, listen, and grant thy servants the people of Israel forgiveness; teach them to guide their steps aright, and send rain on the land thou hast given them for their home. (1 Kings 8, 36)
do thou, in heaven, listen, and grant thy servants the people of Israel forgiveness; teach them to guide their steps aright, and send rain on the land thou hast given them for their home. (2 Chronicles 6, 27)
Ah, but with thee there is forgiveness; be thy name ever revered. (Psalms 129, 4)
thank them for letting vengeance be, and ask forgiveness for past ill-will.✻ (Wisdom of Solomon 18, 2)
Should he refuse mercy to his fellow-man, yet ask forgiveness, (Ecclesiasticus 28, 4)
For this, high and low fall to earth, abate their human pride; and shall they find forgiveness? (Isaiah 2, 9)
There is no one who blasphemes against the Son of Man but may find forgiveness; but for him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit there is no forgiveness, either in this world or in the world to come.✻ (Matthew 12, 32)