Encontrados 496 resultados para: Christ
Roll of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: (Matthew 1, 1)
and Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary; of her was born Jesus who is called Christ. (Matthew 1, 16)
The sum of generations is therefore: fourteen from Abraham to David; fourteen from David to the Babylonian deportation; and fourteen from the Babylonian deportation to Christ. (Matthew 1, 17)
This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1, 18)
He called together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, and enquired of them where the Christ was to be born. (Matthew 2, 4)
Now John had heard in prison what Christ was doing and he sent his disciples to ask him, (Matthew 11, 2)
Then Simon Peter spoke up and said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' (Matthew 16, 16)
Then he gave the disciples strict orders not to say to anyone that he was the Christ. (Matthew 16, 20)
'What is your opinion about the Christ? Whose son is he?' They told him, 'David's.' (Matthew 22, 42)
Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ. (Matthew 23, 10)
because many will come using my name and saying, "I am the Christ," and they will deceive many. (Matthew 24, 5)
'If anyone says to you then, "Look, here is the Christ," or "Over here," do not believe it; (Matthew 24, 23)