2 Chronicles, 31

The New American Bible

6 Israelites and Judahites living in other cities of Judah also brought in tithes of oxen, sheep, and things that had been consecrated to the LORD, their God; these they brought in and set out in heaps.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Chronicles, 31:

2 Chronicles 31 reports how Hezekiah organized the administration of temple and kingdom resources, establishing a system of offerings and tithes to support priests and Levites, as well as other religious activities. The chapter also highlights the prosperity of the kingdom of Judah under the reign of Hezekiah. Following are five verses related to the topics addressed in 2 chronicles 31:

Proverbs 3:9-10: "Honor to the Lord with your goods, and with the firstfruits of all your income. And your barns will be filled with abundance, and they will overflow with your Lagas." This verse highlights the importance of honoring God with our financial resources and how this can result in material blessings.

Malachi 3:10: "Bring all tithes to the treasure house, that there may be maintenance in my house, and then prove me, says the Lord of hosts, if I do not open the windows of heaven, and do not pour out You are such a blessing, which warns you of the greatest wealth. " This verse emphasizes the importance of bringing tithes to God's house and the promise of blessings resulting from this practice.

Acts 20:35: "In everything I have shown that, working thus, it is necessary to assist the sick, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, who said," More blessed thing is to give than to receive. " This verse highlights the importance of helping the needy with our resources and how this is a way of serving God.

Luke 21:1-4: "And looking at him, he saw the rich lay his offers in the treasure ark; he also saw a poor widow lay there two small coins; Poor widow; for all of those laid for God's offerings from what he left; but this one of his poverty laid all the livelihood he had. " This verse highlights the importance of personal sacrifice in our offerings to God, regardless of the size of the contribution.

Matthew 6:33: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This verse highlights the importance of putting God's things first in our lives and trusting that He will supply all our needs.
