Numbers, 7

Revised Standard Version

28 one male goat for a sin offering;

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 7:

Chapter 7 of numbers deals with the dedication of the tabernacle altar by the leaders of the tribes of Israel. Each leader presents offers and sacrifices to consecrate the altar and express his devotion to God. The verses related to the themes of this chapter are:

Exodus 29:37 - "Seven days shall you do atonement for the altar, and you will sanctify it, and the altar will be Most Holy; everything that touches the altar will be holy." This verse talks about the importance of sanctifying the altar, which is the main theme of chapter 7 of numbers.

Leviticus 9:22-24 - "Aaron lifted his hands to the people and blessed him. After offering the offer for sin, the Holocaust and the offer of communion, he went down. Moses and Aaron entered the tent of the meeting. When they left, they blessed The people, and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people. " This verse talks about the dedication ceremony of the tabernacle in general, which is similar to the dedication of the altar described in numbers 7.

Psalm 51:17 - "Sacrifices pleasant to God are the broken Spirit; Heart comprised and contrite, thou shalt not despise him, O God." This verse talks about the importance of the attitude of the heart in relation to sacrifices, which is an important theme in numbers 7.

Hebrews 13:15 - "Through Jesus, therefore, let us offer God a sacrifice of praise, which is the result of lips that confess his name." This verse talks about how, in the New Testament, the sacrifice of praise has replaced animal sacrifices as a form of worship of God.

Romans 12:1 - "I pray, brothers, for the compassion of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, which is your rational worship." This verse talks about how the Christian life must be a living and continuous offer of worship to God, which is a theme related to the dedication of the altar in numbers 7.
