Znaleziono 14 Wyniki dla: slander

  • All I hear is slander -- terror wherever I turn -- as they plot together against me, scheming to take my life. (Psalms 31, 13)

  • Shame and ruin on those who slander me, may those intent on harming me be covered with insult and infamy. (Psalms 71, 13)

  • Liars' lips are a cover for hatred, whoever utters slander is a fool. (Proverbs 10, 18)

  • Question your friend, for slander is very common, do not believe all you hear. (Ecclesiasticus 19, 15)

  • There are three things that I dread, and a fourth which terrifies me: slander by a whole town, the gathering of a mob, and a false accusation -- these are all worse than death; (Ecclesiasticus 26, 5)

  • All of them are total rebels peddlers of slander, hard as bronze and iron, all agents of corruption. (Jeremiah 6, 28)

  • Let each be on his guard against his friend; do not trust a brother, for every brother aims but to supplant, and every friend is a peddler of slander. (Jeremiah 9, 3)

  • 'Come on,' they said, 'let us concoct a plot against Jeremiah, for the Law will not perish for lack of priests, nor advice for lack of wise men, nor the word for lack of prophets. Come on, let us slander him and pay no attention to anything he says.' (Jeremiah 18, 18)

  • For from the heart come evil intentions: murder, adultery, fornication, theft, perjury, slander. (Matthew 15, 19)

  • adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride, folly. (Mark 7, 22)

  • I am afraid that in one way or another, when I come, I may find you different from what I should like you to be, and you may find me what you would not like me to be; so that in one way or the other there will be rivalry, jealousy, bad temper, quarrels, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorders; (2 Corinthians 12, 20)

  • Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who slanders a brother, or condemns one, is speaking against the Law and condemning the Law. But if you condemn the Law, you have ceased to be subject to it and become a judge over it. (James 4, 11)

“Deus ama quem segue o caminho da virtude.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina