Deuteronomy, 7

New Jerusalem Bible

5 Instead, treat them like this: tear down their altars, smash their standing-stones, cut down their sacred poles and burn their idols.

Versículos relacionados com Deuteronomy, 7:

Deuteronomy 7 deals with the separation that the people of Israel must make the peoples who inhabit the promised land, to prevent them from being corrupted by their practices and beliefs. Moreover, the chapter highlights God's faithfulness to fulfill his promises to those who love him and keep his commandments. Below are five verses from other Bible books that relate to the topics addressed in Deuteronomy 7.

Joshua 23:6: "Therefore, thirst for you to keep and do all that is written in the book of the Law of Moses, that you may not deviate from it to the right or to the left," this verse shows the importance of obedience God's law to remain faithful to him and to avoid corruption by the practices of other peoples.

Psalm 105:8-11: "He remembered his holy word, and of Abraham, his servant. And he brought out his people with joy, and his chosen with rejoicing. And gave them the lands of the Gentiles, and they inherited the work of the peoples, to keep their precepts, and observe their laws. Praise the Lord. " This psalm recalls how God fulfilled his promises to the people of Israel in giving them the promised land and points out that this inheritance comes with the responsibility of keeping God's precepts and laws.

1 Corinthians 15:33: "Do not be mistaken: bad conversations corrupt good morals." This verse warns of the danger of mixing with people who have beliefs and practices other than those of God and how it can lead to corruption.

2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do you not put yourself in unequal yoke with unbelievers; For what society has justice with injustice? Or what communion has the light with darkness?" This verse reinforces the idea of ​​separation of God's people from unbelieving peoples to prevent spiritual contamination.

Hebrews 10:23: "Let us retain the confession of our hope firm; for faithful is what he promised." This verse highlights God's faithfulness to fulfill His promises and encourages God's people to remain faithful in their hope and trust in Him.
