Numbers, 16

King James Version

24 Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 16:

Chapter 16 of numbers reports the Rebellion of Corá, Dathan, Abirão and 250 other leaders of the people of Israel against Moses and Aaron. They questioned the brothers' lead and refused to obey the orders given by them. God's answer to this rebellion was the opening of the earth, which swallowed the rebel leaders and their families. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in numbers 16:

Psalm 106:16-17: "They also lit envy in the village, envied Moses at the Lord's camp. The earth opened, and swallowed Dathan, and covered the company of Abirão." This verse refers to the episode in which the earth opened and swallowed the rebel leaders, showing the severity of the sin of rebellion.

2 Peter 2:9: "Thus, therefore, the Lord knows how to free the godly temptation, and reserve the unjust for the day of judgment, to be punished." This verse talks about divine justice and how God reserves punishment for those who rebel against him.

Judas 1:11: "Woe to them! Because they entered the way to Cain, and were taken by the deceit of the Balaam award, and perished in the contradiction of Corá." This verse mentions Corá as an example of rebellion and highlights the fate of those who rebel against God.

Numbers 26:9-10: "And the sons of Eliabe: Namuel, and Dathan, and Abirão. This Abirão is the same Datã and Abirão, who were called to the Congregation, who contained against Moses and Aaron in the Congregation of Corá, When the earth opened and swallowed them, along with Corá, when the followed company died; and the fire consumed the two hundred and fifty men, who offered incense. " This verse makes direct reference to the Korah rebellion and shows the fate of rebel leaders.

Job 31:23: "For I would fear the destruction coming from God, and because of his majesty could do nothing." This verse talks about fear of God and how he is able to bring destruction to those who rebel against Him, reinforcing the importance of obeying and respecting his authority.
