pronađen 54 Rezultati za: clay vessel

  • Remember that you molded me from clay. Will you turn me to dust again? (Job 10, 9)

  • Heaps of ashes are your maxims; mounds of clay are your defenses. (Job 13, 12)

  • He may heap up silver like dust and pile up clothes like clay, (Job 27, 16)

  • It is beyond comparison with gold or crystal; its worth is unmatched by any golden vessel. (Job 28, 17)

  • Like yourself, I too have been taken by God from the same clay. (Job 33, 6)

  • when it takes a clay color and changes its tint like a garment; (Job 38, 14)

  • Remove the impurity from silver and it will become a vessel in the hands of the silversmith. (Proverbs 25, 4)

  • I, too, am a mortal man like others, a descendant of the first human being formed from clay. My flesh was molded in a mother's womb; (Wisdom of Solomon 7, 1)

  • a perishable body is a burden for the soul and our tent of clay weighs down the active mind. (Wisdom of Solomon 9, 15)

  • The potter, laboriously working the soft clay, fashions each object for our use, and from the same clay he shapes vessels, some for food, and others for what is thrown away. The potter makes vessels for both clean and unclean uses and decides to what purpose each one is shaped. (Wisdom of Solomon 15, 7)

  • The same way and from the same clay he fashions a helpless god; cursed labor of a man recently formed from clay, who will shortly return to clay when he is called to give up his soul. (Wisdom of Solomon 15, 8)

  • his life worth as much as clay, for he has not acknowledged his Maker, who has breathed into him an active soul, a living spirit. (Wisdom of Solomon 15, 11)

“O Senhor se comunica conosco à medida que nos libertamos do nosso apego aos sentidos, que sacrificamos nossa vontade própria e que edificamos nossa vida na humildade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina