Encontrados 556 resultados para: bitter water test

  • So the man came into the house; and Laban ungirded the camels, and gave him straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him. (Genesis 24, 32)

  • behold, I am standing by the spring of water; let the young woman who comes out to draw, to whom I shall say, "Pray give me a little water from your jar to drink," (Genesis 24, 43)

  • "Before I had done speaking in my heart, behold, Rebekah came out with her water jar on her shoulder; and she went down to the spring, and drew. I said to her, `Pray let me drink.' (Genesis 24, 45)

  • And Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham; and he gave them the names which his father had given them. (Genesis 26, 18)

  • But when Isaac's servants dug in the valley and found there a well of springing water, (Genesis 26, 19)

  • the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. (Genesis 26, 20)

  • That same day Isaac's servants came and told him about the well which they had dug, and said to him, "We have found water." (Genesis 26, 32)

  • and they made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah. (Genesis 26, 35)

  • When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried out with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and said to his father, "Bless me, even me also, O my father!" (Genesis 27, 34)

  • and when all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the mouth of the well, and water the sheep, and put the stone back in its place upon the mouth of the well. (Genesis 29, 3)

  • He said, "Behold, it is still high day, it is not time for the animals to be gathered together; water the sheep, and go, pasture them." (Genesis 29, 7)

  • But they said, "We cannot until all the flocks are gathered together, and the stone is rolled from the mouth of the well; then we water the sheep." (Genesis 29, 8)

“O bem dura eternamente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina